Professional Jewlery Repair @ Troy’s Jewelers
Free Jewelry Cleaning w/ Purchase
Dream it
It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to design a custom engagement ring? Maybe you want to take your mother’s old jewelry and turn it into a necklace? We work with dozens of vendors to make all of your dreams come true, all at a very affordable price. Compare our prices to the competition, its like going back in time!
Repair it
We offer free consultations on jewelry repairs. Bring your item in and we will tell you if it is repairable and how much it will cost to repair. We fix watches, necklaces, bracelets, earrings, pendants, charms, rings, and more!
Sell it
We will look at your old, broken, or unwanted jewelry and give you an on-the-spot cash offer! No piece is too small or insignificant. Get that stuff out of the drawer and turn it into fast cash now! Its your money and you need it now!